
For Sale From Direct Owners

Reference DO0357
Type Offshore - AHTS
Class ABS Towing Vessel
Build year / place 1986 /
Length (m) 73
Breadth (m) / Depth (m) 15.85 / 5.64
NT (tons) / GT (tons) /
Engine(s) power (BHP) 10800
Engine(s) 3 x EMD (Electro-Motive) 20-645 E7
Location USEC
Price 5,400,000 USD

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Detailed Information

Built Year & Place 1986 /
Hull Material Steel
Class Society and Notation ABS Towing Vessel OSV, AH, AMS, DPS-2
Next DD
Next SS
Next Annual Survey
Principle Dimensions
Length Overall (m) 73
Length Between Prep. (m)
Breadth (m) 15.85
Depth (m) 5.64
Draft (m) 4.57
NT (tons)
GT (tons)
DWT (tons) 1551
Machinery & Propulsion
Total Power Output (BHP) 10800
Main Engine(s) 3 x EMD (Electro-Motive) 20-645 E7
Main Propulsion System 3 CPP
Auxiliary engine(s) 2 X 500 KW
Speed Maximum (knots)
Speed Cruising (knots)
Cargo & Tank Capacities
Deck Cargo (tons)
Deck Area (m2)
Deck Load (tons/m2)
Fuel Tanks Capacity (m3)
Fresh Water Tanks Capacity (m3)
Ballast Tanks Capacity (m3)
Additional Information

Certificates expired since 2016
Year Converted/Modified 2002

Draft (Maximum Operations) 4.78 m
Loadline Displacement 3,770.18 LT (3,830.68 MT)
Clear Deck 135 ft. x 44 ft. (41.15 m x 13.41 m)
Cargo Deck Area 5,940 sq. ft. (551.82 sq. m)
Deck Cargo Capacity 830 LT (843.32 MT)
Deadweight Tonnage 1,527 LT (1,551.50 MT)

Fuel Oil 178,576 gals. (675.98 cu. m)
Ballast 325,615 gals. (1,232.59 cu. m)
Fresh Water 23,068 gals. (87.32 cu. m)
Dry Bulk 5,120 cu. ft. @ 45 psi (144.98 cu. m @ 3.1 bars)
Liquid Mud 2,200 barrels (349.77 cu. m)

Total Propulsion HP 13,200 HP
Bow Thrusters Two (2) 150TV-D Tunnel
Stern Thrusters One (1) 1,200 HP NASB/Ulstein 360° Jet Azimuthing
Shaft Generators Three (3) x 2,400 HP/1,800 kW

Winches Brattvaag BSL 350 W Double Drum with chain mouse
Line Pull 350 MT or 926,100 lb line pull or 926 KIPS line pull per drum
Chain Lockers Two (2) x 6,000 ft. (1,828.8 m) of 3.5 in. (8.89 cm) chain each
Storage Reels Two (2) x 11,480 ft. (3,499.10 m) of 3 in. (7.62 cm) wire
Wire Capacity Two (2) x 9,800 ft. (2,987.04 m) of 3 in. (7.62 cm) wire per drum @ 350 MT

Shark Jaws One (1) x 350 MT
Tow Pins One (1) x 350 MT
Tuggers One (1) x 12-Ton Forward
Tuggers Two (2) x 10-Ton Aft
Positioning DP 2
Stern Rollers One (1) x 8 ft. x 6 ft.
Cranes Two (2) x 10 tons @ 30° radius
Firefighting Two (2) Monitors @ 12,500 GPM

ROV Schilling Robotics 200HP UHD rated for 4,000 m

Life Rafts Four (4) x 25-Man Life Rafts
Rescue Boat/Craft One (1) x Narwhal SV-400 SOLAS FRC

Electronics Package Two (2) Furuno FR-2115 Radars, GMDSS, Iridium Satellite Phone, Marine Technologies
Bridge Mate DP 2, Marine Technologies
Bridge Mate Autopilot, Furuno Color-View
Depth Sounder, Furuno VHF FM-8500 @
Winch Operator Panel, Seven (7) Color
Monitors, JRC NO2-127C Inmarsat-C Telex (GMDSS), SEA 222 Single Sideband Radio with Ringer, JRC NCH-802 Controller MF/HF
Radio, JRC NCR-300A Navtex, Furuno GP- 150 GPS, Furuno FAI50 AIS

Accommodations 34

All details are given in good faith and are believed to be accurate but no warranty of accuracy or completeness or suitability for purpose is either stated or implied. Prices are subject to change without notice.

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Please, feel free to contact us at any time.
We remain at your entire disposal.

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